Saturday, August 7, 2010

Prescott Adventure: Peyton Stockton

Prescott Adventure
This summer has been good to all of us with a lot happening. One weekend our friends the Adams and us decided to go spend some time with friends the Hummels in Prescott before they took off for med school. It truly was a wonderful weekend with
a lot of visiting, food, and fun. Friday was spent hanging out and Saturday we went swimming.Also on Saturday we found out that there was a fire in Flagstaff and that it was really smoky so we decided to spend one more night in Prescott.

So, Sunday morning comes and at 4:30 AM I told Pat to take me to the new Prescott birthing hospital to see if I was in Labor, not believing that I was. However, as the min ticked away I became irrational yelling at pat to drive faster and that I didn't care how many tickets he got. I finally got there at 5:15 AM and found out that I was completely dilated and ready to deliver a baby. I quickly became the worst patient as I expected an epidural and when I found out I couldn't have one I panicked. However, the poor nurses and Dr. only had to put up with me for 15 min as Peyton Stockton arrived at 5:30 Am,with only 5 min of pushing. We are so very blessed to have him a part of our family and his sister absolutely adores him.

I also must add how grateful I am to have such great in-laws who took care of Riley wile we spent 2.5 days in the hospital and my amazing mom that came
to take care of us after we got home. Thank you so much!

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