Monday, September 27, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Yes, I know that I am a procrastinator. However, that is just me. So what has happened since the last time? Over Labor Day we had Pat’s cousins come from CA to visit and whenever the Mason/Shipley clan are with us we are never board. We spent the weekend BBQ-ing, fishing, and laughing. It was a lot of fun. Pat was also able to give Peyton his baby blessing with our loved ones present. Well, some of them anyhow. It was wonderful and I am so grateful to have a worthy priesthood holder as my hubby and father of our beautiful children. So here are some of our favorite pics of the weekend.

This is me and Riley at the Cardinals Practice
Again at the Cardinals practice
Paige and Riley playing in the balls
Riley and Jude
Peyton's Blessing

Check out that orange hair.
The kids at horse shoe lake
Steven and Jude
My water baby


Mary said...

Such cute pictures! I love the ones from the blessing.

J said...

ps your hair looks suuper cute!